If you want a say in whether or not you keep your legally owned firearms, support this Velvet Revolution with your presence on the 10/7/2015. This may be your last chance !

Whitlam, Frazer, Hawke, Keating, Howard, Rudd, Gillard and Abbott are the puppets of Amercian Presidents.
Our own soldiers, our Great Grand Fathers, Grand Fathers, Children and Grand Children have in the past and will be again sent to fight these money wars for the PUPPETS of the RICH and ELITE.
Join our VELVET REVOLUTION in Australia on the 10th of July and let's remove these Corrupt Corporate Government Dictators from our lives once and for all.
Be there at 10am in every City in every State across the Nation, IT IS TIME that we took our country back and put a stop to this Rape, Pillage, Plunder and Death.
• Remove every Corrupt Sitting Member from OUR Parliaments and
• Sack and Jail all Politicians and Bankers
• Give True Democracy back to The People of The Commonwealth of Australia
America's People have come on board and have informed me that they are doing the same, the World is waking up, will you?
Lyn Bennetts
National Organiser
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