Tuesday, February 2, 2021

A Warning - Short Film

Gunman invades Wakeley home invasion | 7NEWS

Australian government disarms citizens leaving them defenceless. Possessing any object specifically for the purpose of self-defence, lethal or non-lethal, is a criminal offence in Australia!!! There are many women, raped and/or murdered, who Possessing any object specifically for the purpose of self-defence, lethal or non-lethal,  would have been liable to prosecution had they been carrying anything that might have saved them.


Monday, February 1, 2021

Everything Won’t Be Okay: On Coping With the Climate Crisis.


Everything Won’t Be Okay: On Coping With the Climate Crisis.

The world is on a course for disaster — maybe civilization collapse or even extinction. Grief is good, but climate doom and fatalism helps nobody.
