Thursday, November 30, 2017
A Woodsrunner's Diary: Ulrich Bretscher's Black Powder Page
A Woodsrunner's Diary: Ulrich Bretscher's Black Powder Page:
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
Home Invasion & Attempted Murder. Give us our human rights, give us our guns back.
The government claims we do not need guns for self defence. I beg to differ!!!
It is even illegal in Australia for law abiding citizens to purchase or carry pepper spray or tasers. I say forget about the pepper spray & tasers, we want to be legally allowed to purchase & carry firearms for the purpose of self defence & for the defence of our families. This is a human right that we Australian citizens are being denied by our government.
Gun confiscation was never anything to do with the safety of Australian citizens, the fact that there have been no mass shootings since the Port Arthur massacre has nothing to do with it. People are killing other people with knives, such as the massacre in China, & the terrorist attack in London, no guns were used in these killings. But we NEED to be able to use a gun for our defence, do you really want to have to get into a knife fight or defend yourself with just your fists against a bigger person? This is not sensible or practicle.
car jackings,
family defence,
gun control,
home invasions,
human rights,
self defence
North Korea claims new 'significantly more' powerful missile puts entire US in range, & Australia!
So the whole of Australia is now in range! We are only just hearing of this & the USA has known it for days!
North Korea,
nuclear attack,
Nuclear war,
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
Human Rights. David Leyonhjelm is correct: Australians should be able to arm themselves against terror
These basic human rights are:
Universal: they
belong to all of us – everybody in the world.
Inalienable: they
cannot be taken away from us.
Indivisible and
interdependent: governments should not be
able to pick and choose which rights are respected.
Article 1 Everyone is born
free and equal in dignity and with rights.
Article 2 You should never be
discriminated against for any reason. Rights belong to all people, whatever our
Article 3 Everyone has the rights to life, liberty and security.
Article 4 No-one shall be held in slavery or servitude.
Article 5 No-one shall be
subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
Article 6 You have the right
to be treated as a person in the eyes of the law. Article 7 You have the right to be treated by the law
in the same way as everyone else. Everyone has a
right to protection against violations of their human rights.
Article 8 If your rights under law are violated, you have the right
to see justice done in a court or tribunal.
Article 9 No-one shall be subject to arbitrary arrest, detention or
exile. Article 10 You have the right to a fair and public trial by an
independent and impartial tribunal.
Article 11 Everyone is to be
presumed innocent until proven guilty in a fair trial. No
one should be charged with a criminal offence for an act which wasn’t an
offence at the time the act was done.
Article 12 No-one has the
right to intrude in your private life or interfere
with your home and family without good reason. No-one has the right to attack your good name
without reason.
Article 13 You have the right to freedom of movement within your
country. Everyone has the right to leave a country and to return home.
Article 14 You have the right to seek and to enjoy asylum from persecution
in other countries. You may not invoke this right if fleeing just laws in your
own country.
Article 15 You have the right to a nationality.
Article 16 You have the right to marry and to raise a family. Men and
women have the same rights when they are married and when they are separated.
Article 17 You have the right to own property and it cannot randomly be taken
away from you.
Article 18 You have the right to freedom of thought, conscience and
religion and to peacefully express those beliefs in teaching, practice and
worship. Article 19 You have the right to freedom of opinion and expression.
Article 20 You have the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and
Article 21 You have the right
to take part in the government of your country. Article 22 As a member of
society, you have a right to social security.
Article 23 You have the right to work, to good working conditions, to
equal pay for equal work and to form and join unions.
Article 24 You have the right to rest and leisure.
Article 25 You have the right to a decent life, including enough
food, clothing, housing, medical care and social services.
Article 26 You have the right to an education.
Article 27 No-one may stop you from participating in the cultural
life of your community.
Article 28 You have the right to live in the kind of world where
your rights and freedoms are respected.
Article 29 We all have a responsibility to the people around us and
should protect their rights and freedoms.
Article 30 There is nothing in this declaration that justifies any
person or country taking away the rights to which we are all entitled.
The Australian government has denied us a human rights, as law abiding citizens we SHOULD have the right to protect ourselves & our families, but that right has been taken from us with a law which states that we are not legally allowed to purchase or carry: Pepper spray, Tasers, or guns for the sole purpose of self defence & the defence of our families!
This law does not stop crime, it does not stop home invasions, muggings, beatings, rapes or murders. All it does is leave us defenceless.
So what are you going to do about this? Our government system is totally corrupt to the core, there is little point in begging to the government. I have started petitions, but hardly anyone bothers to sign! You still think we live in a free country? Think again. Most people are totally apathetic to the loss of our human rights & exist with their heads buried in the sand.
Australian Human Rights Commission.
”The Australian Government has agreed to uphold and respect many of these human rights treaties” .
But not all!
concealed carry,
family protection,
Firearms legislation,
gun buy back,
gun control,
home invasions,
human rights,
right to security,
self defence,
Monday, November 27, 2017
Saturday, November 25, 2017
Flies really do spread disease in humans, study confirms
Expert warns Isis could use drones to spread killer viruses
Thursday, November 23, 2017
Grandfather, 83, left with smashed skull after brutal home invasion.
Barry Lawless, 83, was savagely bashed by a home intruder. Source: 7
This is why our anti-self defence laws need changing. We are not legally allowed to purchase or carry ANYTHING for self defence, no pepper sprays, no tasers, & no guns. HOW are we supposed to protect ourselves & our families?! This is not a one off, these home invasions, attacks, killings & rapes are happening all the time & more frequently. The police can't protect us, and the government will NOT protect us or even give us the human right to protect ourselves.
Remember, when voting time comes, vote first for those that support the right to own guns for self defence, vote for pro gun candidates. Do NOT vote for the Liberals or Labor.
Firearms legislation,
Government anti-self defence laws,
gun control,
gun laws,
home invasions,
pepper spray,
self defence,
Monday, November 20, 2017
A Woodsrunner's Diary: Group Forum Moving to a New Site. Please sign up f...
A Woodsrunner's Diary: Group Forum Moving to a New Site. Please sign up f...: As many of you may have realised by now our group forum was taken over by Tapatalk, since then I have had a lot of problems, & the HE...
Saturday, November 18, 2017
Good Prepper/Survival Forums.
I have been a member on many survival forums, the American ones are fine for those living in America, but Australia is so different from America that I find it is really of no interest or help to me. Australian survival forums do not impress me at all, many members tend to be narrow minded & set in their ways & spend more time making disparaging comments than actually adding useful information to the topic.
In my search for a forum where I can actually enjoy sharing my knowledge & at the same time learn something new, I came across the "Preppers Forum" based in the UK. Now I fully realise that the UK is also different from Australia, but not as different as America is. The people don't always think in the same way as we do in Australia, but they are more like us than the Americans are when it comes to discussing survival topics.
Right now I am posting topics on this UK forum that is of some use to those in the UK, but if there were more Australian members then I would also post topics that are of interest to Australians. If like me you have found that you don't "fit in" on other forums, forums where Moderators & Managers fail to curb bad behavour by other members, then this could be the forum for you.
You can check out the forum here: (I am now site manager on this forum, so if you have any problems, please feel free to contact me).
Regards, Keith.
In my search for a forum where I can actually enjoy sharing my knowledge & at the same time learn something new, I came across the "Preppers Forum" based in the UK. Now I fully realise that the UK is also different from Australia, but not as different as America is. The people don't always think in the same way as we do in Australia, but they are more like us than the Americans are when it comes to discussing survival topics.
Right now I am posting topics on this UK forum that is of some use to those in the UK, but if there were more Australian members then I would also post topics that are of interest to Australians. If like me you have found that you don't "fit in" on other forums, forums where Moderators & Managers fail to curb bad behavour by other members, then this could be the forum for you.
You can check out the forum here: (I am now site manager on this forum, so if you have any problems, please feel free to contact me).
Regards, Keith.
Australian forums,
Australian survival,
prepper forums,
prepper sites,
primitive skills,
survival forums,
survival sites,
survival topics,
Friday, November 17, 2017
Thursday, November 16, 2017
Basic Game Meat Field Care
field dressing,
game meat field care,
making meat,
Monday, November 13, 2017
Voting For Your Rights, By Ron Owen.
Thoughts For The Week.
On election day 25th November 2017, either the 600,000 licenced
shooters of Queensland will work together, to put Labor, LNP and Greens at the
bottom of the voting ticket and pro firearm ownership candidates at the top,
and giving the forces against us the biggest electoral defeat since Barrie
Unsworth (NSW) in March 1988, or we will be further tyrannised for another 25
years. We have been waiting for this golden opportunity for a quarter of a
century. If we cannot do it this time we do not deserve another chance.
Get Political for Two Weeks and Make a Difference to Our Future.
Never have the forces of evil been in such disarray. Never has it
been so open and shut, we either work to put the minor pro shooting parties and
independents in a coalition to improve our plight, or follow your family voting
pattern, (vote LNP or Labor or Green) then hand your guns in, or go live
in New Zealand. You are either with us, or against us.
Now, is the Time.
Now is the Time to get political, even if you have to miss out on a few
shooting events.
Firstly, and most importantly contact candidates and check their
credentials. Ask them to convince you that they will persistently work to
A. The end of long arm registration,
B. For the individual right of law abiding citizens to own firearms
(semi autos, pumps hand guns) as of right and suitable for their needs,
C. For the individual right of all law abiding citizens to use
firearms to defend their lives, family and property.
If you do nothing else, that small effort of canvassing candidates
will cause change, as that will alert candidates to which issue they won or
lost the election.
Secondly, chose a candidate to assist, put some signs out for them,
offer to hand out how to vote cards for them. Write letters to the editor of
local papers, they should be swamped with letters, share all pro gun articles
on social media and most importantly ‘verbalise’, speak out, to all your
friends and family about the importance of voting the right way. Explain to
all, the importance of filling out every square on the voting paper, as this is
full preferential voting, this gives the minor parties and independents the
best opportunity of gaining seats.
First Past the Post system of voting gives the major parties an
advantage as
in a five candidate election a party with 22% of the vote can have a
and 78% of the electorate can hate his guts. When second and third preferences
are counted if the candidate does not get over 50% of the first preferences
that does not happen and a candidate that is more suited to
most of the peoples ideas wins.
If LNP, Labor or Greens gain power we will have another four years of
the Queensland Police making policy to suit themselves from their ivory tower
that is built on our backs, paid for by the impositions of fees and charges for
our innocence under their dogmatic indolence.
When deciding who to put last out of Labor, LNP and Greens, you have
to punish the sitting member out of the three by putting them last as they will
have the chance of needing your preference.
The LNP have to be counted as in Coalition with Labor. They Vote with
Labor, so they are Labor.
In an article printed in several Queensland newspapers where in a meeting with
LNP Members of Parliament, Tony Perrett MP (our local member) and Dr Christian
Rowan MP for Moggill and Shadow Minister for Environment and Heritage
Protection I was correctly quoted as stating,
“Most of the shooters will not vote for them (LNP) anyway” the
article did not include the reasons why shooters will not vote for the LNP,
which had been the subject intensely discussed at this meeting with Tony
Perrett MP and Dr Christian Rowan.
Furthermore to the John Howard “Great Firearm Theft of 1996/7 and the
Hand Gun Theft of 2003”, which were implemented by the National Party, Russell
Cooper and Tim Fischer where both voted with Labor. Again Tim Nichols LNP has
recently twice voted with Labor to oppose primary producers’ rights to
own Category H firearms then voted again to support the Labor party’s Weapons
Legislation (Lever Action Shotguns NFA) Amendment Regulation
If the LNP votes with Labor, if they have mutually beneficial deals
with Labor they are part and parcel of Labor, we have to deal with them
the same way we deal with Labor, we vote against them.
Admittedly, our local member, Tony Perrett, was a champion and at the
above mentioned vote on October 11th on the NFA, he crossed the floor and
with the Katter Party and One Nation Party. We all here in Gympie, hoped that
he would have stood as an Independent for the forthcoming election, but he has
chosen to remain with the LNP and as his party has caused so much pain for law
abiding firearm owners, we cannot vote for the LNP, or Labor, or the Greens. I
admire Mr Perrett for crossing the floor and would always want to count him as
one of my friends, but cannot help him, as that would assist the LNP who will
always betray firearm owners.
The Great Carrot.
On November 2, 2017 LNP Shadow Minister for the Environment Christian Rowan MP
announced in Gympie that the LNP would grant a lease of the land in the Curra
State Forest, and provide $150,000 grant to the Cooloola Range Complex
Association Inc to progress this facility. (Since that time One Nation has
given the Association a written pact that if they have the balance of power
Cooloola Range Complex Association would get the range complex site and
$500,000 to build a world class facility.)
As I am the president of the Cooloola Range Complex Association Inc this
announcement was made at the Owen Guns business premises, with Mr Perrett in
attendance. Of course, as the campaign to regain our centrefire shooting range
in Gympie has been a 25 year battle, I was very pleased to hear that news and
told them so, but also reminded them that their LNP government had been in
power several times during the last 25 years and last time in 2012, the
minister had even given an Agreement in Principle, but continually delayed and
procrastinated, preventing the project from proceeding. We also are fully aware
that the only reason that we are getting this promise after 25 years is that
the ‘One Nation party’ is now a real threat to their seats in the house of
parliament. Without the rise of One Nation the promise would not have been
forthcoming. This promise is only on the proviso that the LNP wins the forthcoming
I reminded Mr Perrett and Dr Rowan that as the LNP had betrayed the firearm
owners yet again and had twice voted with the Labor Party to impose further
impositions on law abiding firearm owners their chances of re-election were greatly
reduced and that as we spoke the firearm industry and shooting associations
were raising a million dollars to ensure their electoral demise.
The Nurenberg Defence.
Dr Rowan suggested that in politics everything was a trade-off, a compromise
and that he felt that even though he knew what they were voting for was wrong,
the LNP was a better alternative than Labor and to do some good he had to stick
with the LNP.
I reminded him that what he had described was in legal circles called
the Nuremberg defence, where German Nazi SS soldiers admitted to knowing that
they had done wrong, but blamed their superior officers for making the
That defence failed at the Nuremberg trials and those soldiers were
hanged, under the ‘common law principle’ that if you know you’re doing wrong
then you are a part of it and share the guilt.
Mr Perrett knew that further impositions on law abiding firearm
owners was against the wishes of his electorate and blatantly diametrically
opposed to the LNP’s own firearm policy so he took the correct course and
became the first and last LNP member to cross the floor of the 55th Parliament.
The rest of the LNP members followed the party dictates, followed the
orders in the same way as those German soldiers and like them have to accept
the consequences.
Let us hope on the evening of the 25th November that the
consequences of following the party orders ‘knowing they committed a wrong’,
results in a loss of seats and losing government. As they will remember this
mistake for the rest of their lives.
Is Firearm Ownerships a Right or Responsibility?
As at times we all have to debate the reasons for Firearm Ownership with
people who for many reasons have only had emotional negative thoughts about
firearms so we need to identify the correct logic in our philosophy so we can
properly communicate to people who have had no experience with firearms. A
friend of mine raised the issue as a question,
Is Firearm Ownerships a Right or Responsibility?
A Right, or a Responsibility? I believe it is Both.
Because it is in the same way that Day follows Night.
If not a Right, it is certainly a Responsibility,
as if you do not believe that you have a Right to defend your own
life, you may Wrongly allow someone else to choke you to death.
That cannot be Right so the opposite has to be Right.
So if you have a Responsibility to defend your life and to defend the
lives of others such as your children, or your aged parents, and not to go
quietly into the night, in the gas chamber queue.
So it would be wrong, for someone to prevent you from carrying out
your Responsibilities so it is a Right. Surely people can see that a country
has a Right to defend itself. If it does not, a foreign enemy could commit
genocide on the whole population. The government, or the leaders of that nation
have a responsibility to defend their nation in the same way that a father has
the responsibility to defend his family. Once that conclusion is made then its
is only a choice in how that defence is carried out.
Question Answer
Do we believe that our Defence is instantly available via a mobile
Do we really believe that Assistance is only 15 minutes
(when you could be dead in 15 seconds)
Does the State have a Responsibility to Defend
Does the Police have a Responsibility to Defend
Do Gun Free Zones have a Responsibility to Defend
Does the Church have a Responsibility to Defend its
Does the Cinema or Mall or Café have a Responsibility to Defend
Do the people have a Responsibility to defend
Who Ultimately has the Responsibility to defend
you? ONLY YOU!
Your life is a precious gift, and just like any precious gift,
you have the Responsibility to care for that and treat that life with the
proper respect.
We all know that initiating violence is not an appropriate thing to
do, violence when used in defence of self or others, is not only Right, but a
required Responsibility.
‘Ethics’ hallow the principle of self-defence as both a right and an
obligation, a responsibility. ‘Ethics’ also stress our moral duty to defend
others against violent attacks.
To be sure, guns may be misused to injure or kill innocent people,
but evil doers have killed and injured since time immemorial and did not need
guns, after all, Cain killed Abel with his bare hands! In Biblical times, the
slogan might well have been, “Swords don’t kill people. People kill people.”
Swords were used to commit genocide, wipe out the populations of entire
countries. Of course guns can do the same, but the main difference is that
before the firearm was invented the strongest person with the axe or sword won
every confrontation but when the equaliser, the firearm became available it
made all equal, strength was no more the massive advantage. Now, firearm
ownership can and will overcome brute strength.
Crime Rates Fall As Firearm Ownership Increases.
Australia 2.02 million licences and 6.03 million firearms
is increasing annually by 27.5 %, while crime rates fall?
Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (You Read it Right, We
Are Criminals Registered and Counted by a Commission with a responsibility for
Listing know Criminals.
ACIC 2016–17 Annual Report…/net1491/f/acic_2016-17_annual_rep…
NFLRS (National Firearms Licence and Registration System)
“This system helps build the picture of firearm licence and
registration information across the country. It is used to ensure compliance
with firearm registration. The system helps firearm registries view the licence
and registration information held by other states and territories, including
firearm licence holders, licensed firearm dealers, registered firearms.”
During 2016–17:
.. there was a total of 6.03 million firearm records
.. there was a total of 2.02 million licence records
One Crooked Cop Can Sell The Lot.
This is another reason to stop firearm Registration, even if it was
up to date and we know that its not, the information that they keep has no
relevance to Criminals or Crime it just records the good people whose
information and privacy can be sold to the highest bidder in any country of the
world that is involved in Interpol. One crooked cop can sell the lot.
Lets hope we can begin to wind this nonsense back after 25th November 2017.
Ron Owen.
Get Political for Two Weeks and Make a Difference to Our Future.
Now is the Time to get political, even if you have to miss out on a few shooting events.
Firstly, and most importantly contact candidates and check their credentials. Ask them to convince you that they will persistently work to achieve
in a five candidate election a party with 22% of the vote can have a majority
and 78% of the electorate can hate his guts. When second and third preferences are counted if the candidate does not get over 50% of the first preferences that does not happen and a candidate that is more suited to
most of the peoples ideas wins.
In an article printed in several Queensland newspapers where in a meeting with LNP Members of Parliament, Tony Perrett MP (our local member) and Dr Christian Rowan MP for Moggill and Shadow Minister for Environment and Heritage Protection I was correctly quoted as stating,
own Category H firearms then voted again to support the Labor party’s Weapons Legislation (Lever Action Shotguns NFA) Amendment Regulation
with the Katter Party and One Nation Party. We all here in Gympie, hoped that he would have stood as an Independent for the forthcoming election, but he has chosen to remain with the LNP and as his party has caused so much pain for law abiding firearm owners, we cannot vote for the LNP, or Labor, or the Greens. I admire Mr Perrett for crossing the floor and would always want to count him as one of my friends, but cannot help him, as that would assist the LNP who will always betray firearm owners.
On November 2, 2017 LNP Shadow Minister for the Environment Christian Rowan MP announced in Gympie that the LNP would grant a lease of the land in the Curra State Forest, and provide $150,000 grant to the Cooloola Range Complex Association Inc to progress this facility. (Since that time One Nation has given the Association a written pact that if they have the balance of power Cooloola Range Complex Association would get the range complex site and $500,000 to build a world class facility.)
As I am the president of the Cooloola Range Complex Association Inc this announcement was made at the Owen Guns business premises, with Mr Perrett in attendance. Of course, as the campaign to regain our centrefire shooting range in Gympie has been a 25 year battle, I was very pleased to hear that news and told them so, but also reminded them that their LNP government had been in power several times during the last 25 years and last time in 2012, the minister had even given an Agreement in Principle, but continually delayed and procrastinated, preventing the project from proceeding. We also are fully aware that the only reason that we are getting this promise after 25 years is that the ‘One Nation party’ is now a real threat to their seats in the house of parliament. Without the rise of One Nation the promise would not have been forthcoming. This promise is only on the proviso that the LNP wins the forthcoming election.
I reminded Mr Perrett and Dr Rowan that as the LNP had betrayed the firearm owners yet again and had twice voted with the Labor Party to impose further impositions on law abiding firearm owners their chances of re-election were greatly reduced and that as we spoke the firearm industry and shooting associations were raising a million dollars to ensure their electoral demise.
Dr Rowan suggested that in politics everything was a trade-off, a compromise and that he felt that even though he knew what they were voting for was wrong, the LNP was a better alternative than Labor and to do some good he had to stick with the LNP.
As at times we all have to debate the reasons for Firearm Ownership with
people who for many reasons have only had emotional negative thoughts about firearms so we need to identify the correct logic in our philosophy so we can properly communicate to people who have had no experience with firearms. A friend of mine raised the issue as a question,
(when you could be dead in 15 seconds)

car jackings,
home invasions,
human rights,
law abiding gun owners,
self defence,
Sunday, November 12, 2017
Friday, November 10, 2017
Thursday, November 9, 2017
Wednesday, November 8, 2017
Monday, November 6, 2017
The deadly diseases being released as ice thaws. Surviving The Next Pandemic!
The deadly diseases being released as ice thaws. Surviving the next
Scientists have raised the issue of new old diseases being released by the global warming melting the ice. They say it is quite possible that these diseases have been lying dormant since before the coming of man. This means that we will have no immunity to these diseases, & we will have no medicines to combat these diseases. Once released & started they could sweep the globe annihilating humanity completely except perhaps in isolated cases.
Scientists have raised the issue of new old diseases being released by the global warming melting the ice. They say it is quite possible that these diseases have been lying dormant since before the coming of man. This means that we will have no immunity to these diseases, & we will have no medicines to combat these diseases. Once released & started they could sweep the globe annihilating humanity completely except perhaps in isolated cases.
In this day & age an infected person could get on a plane &
be in another country before they even know they are carrying a disease!
So there is a hell of a biggy to add to our lists!
So there is a hell of a biggy to add to our lists!
How To Survive The Next Catastrophic Pandemic
capacity to respond to an infectious disease outbreak., November 3, 2017
EMP Attack Information.
An EMP attack would knock out the entire power grid in your area. No electricity, no communications, no mobile phones, no water on tap, no transport, no sewage/toilets, no internet, no fuel at petrol stations, no registers working at supermarkets, Government may implement martial law, there will be widespread looting & possibly widespread home invasions. It will not be safe outside of your home. It may not be safe to stay in your home if you are in the city.
bugging out,
EMP attack,
home invasions,
martial law,
Nuclear war,
primitive skills,
Thursday, November 2, 2017
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