Thoughts For The Week.
“What you do in your lifetime will echo down through eternity”,
Marcus Aurelius.
Marcus Aurelius.
Thoughts for the Week,
Is this the Start of Catastrophic Abyss?
Malevolent Media.
It only needs a ‘Left Wing Nut case’, (M16,SIS visits & Russian Terrorist lists) with an agenda to support Communist China to kill 50 people and the Maleficent Media have a piranha like feeding frenzy on the innocent firearm owners. They dance in the bloody intestines of good people turning, night into day and black into white. When he is positively “left wing” yet they say a “right wing extremist”. Two attacks at the same time, yet now say “one lone wolf gunman”. No one asks why one of the Mosques attacked had a firearm and fired back at the attacker chasing him away, or is that a case of a firearm stopping a massacre and the media wants to know nothing about it? ‘Gunman’ but never ‘Bombman’ he had two Bombs. The media says ‘Only Right Wing extremists’ are ‘Mass killers’, forgetting the Islamics who have massacred 84,000 people since 911. The ‘Left Wing Nutcase’ stated in his manifesto that he wanted stop civilian firearm ownership, so the NZ government carry out his agenda, banning firearms in New Zealand. Meanwhile, in Australia 55 million dollars is given to Australian Islamic Mosques if this was going to Christian churches the media would scream that the government is establishing a religion in breach of the Section 116 of the Constitution. Media Control is the Manufactured Consent on the Road Serfdom. Who Controls the Media?
Is this the Start of Catastrophic Abyss?
Malevolent Media.
It only needs a ‘Left Wing Nut case’, (M16,SIS visits & Russian Terrorist lists) with an agenda to support Communist China to kill 50 people and the Maleficent Media have a piranha like feeding frenzy on the innocent firearm owners. They dance in the bloody intestines of good people turning, night into day and black into white. When he is positively “left wing” yet they say a “right wing extremist”. Two attacks at the same time, yet now say “one lone wolf gunman”. No one asks why one of the Mosques attacked had a firearm and fired back at the attacker chasing him away, or is that a case of a firearm stopping a massacre and the media wants to know nothing about it? ‘Gunman’ but never ‘Bombman’ he had two Bombs. The media says ‘Only Right Wing extremists’ are ‘Mass killers’, forgetting the Islamics who have massacred 84,000 people since 911. The ‘Left Wing Nutcase’ stated in his manifesto that he wanted stop civilian firearm ownership, so the NZ government carry out his agenda, banning firearms in New Zealand. Meanwhile, in Australia 55 million dollars is given to Australian Islamic Mosques if this was going to Christian churches the media would scream that the government is establishing a religion in breach of the Section 116 of the Constitution. Media Control is the Manufactured Consent on the Road Serfdom. Who Controls the Media?
As in last month’s “Thought for the Week” I explained the
logical reasoning why people choose to live in a community, and not live in
nature (the log cabin within isolate families). To explain, in return
Good Government has a responsibility to the people who elect and support them.
This month I wanted to explain in detail how those four main reasons form the
legs of the table that support a nation state.
The Social Contract (nothing to do with Socialism) is the basis
of Constitutional Government.
Defence, from internal and external aggression.
Defence of Property.
Resort to Justice.
Defence of Individual Rights, including Free Speech, Movement, Thought and the
right to defend all of the above with arms suitable for their defence.
‘That a Good Government has a sacred duty to protect its citizens,
when they fail to do this, the duty, not just the right, devolves to the
Citizen themselves.’
However, due to the tragedy in Christchurch, New Zealand and the
insane response by our media and puppet parliament, I can use this as an
example of how modern governments are in severe breach of our Social Contract.
Firstly, let me say that the creatures that orchestrated and carried out this despicable attack on civilians including women and children are monsters and if found guilty by a jury of 12 should receive the death penalty. For all attacks like this, which ever ideology that the victims follow,
Firstly, let me say that the creatures that orchestrated and carried out this despicable attack on civilians including women and children are monsters and if found guilty by a jury of 12 should receive the death penalty. For all attacks like this, which ever ideology that the victims follow,
Senator Anning and his wife Fiona visiting the Owen Guns Trust
the perpetrators have no excuses, no defence, they have a political
motive, they are employed to destroy the cohesion within a community.
In the manifesto Tarrant states Remove the Rights and Freedoms of the public and be intent on killing as many victims as possible to achieve that goal. They are every sane person’s enemy and should be put down as quickly as possible, in the same manner as we should treat all mass killers of civilians.
Government Break’s Down the Social Contract.
In the manifesto Tarrant states Remove the Rights and Freedoms of the public and be intent on killing as many victims as possible to achieve that goal. They are every sane person’s enemy and should be put down as quickly as possible, in the same manner as we should treat all mass killers of civilians.
Government Break’s Down the Social Contract.
has Been Removed.
A. Government without permission from its people, provide
for invasion of an alien culture to settle within its borders. These alien
people support an extremist ideology of World Conquest, conversion to Islam or
die, which threatens the lives of the host nation. Converting an external
threat into an internal threat is not defending its own people.
B. Government countenanced the import to New Zealand of a terrorist,
again failing to defend the people from external and internal threat.
C. Government failed to defend the worshippers at the two Mosque’s.
Justice Will be Removed.
This event will be used as a tool to destroy more legs to the table, as 500,000 plus innocent firearm owners will bare the brunt of this guilt. The media have already charged them, and put them before a Kangaroo Court and they have been found Guilty and sentenced to losing their rights, property and freedoms.
This event will be used as a tool to destroy more legs to the table, as 500,000 plus innocent firearm owners will bare the brunt of this guilt. The media have already charged them, and put them before a Kangaroo Court and they have been found Guilty and sentenced to losing their rights, property and freedoms.
Even though,
“A second shooting happened at a mosque in the Linwood area of the city. One Friday prayer goer returned fire with a rifle or shotgun. Witnesses said they heard multiple gunshots around 1.45pm. A well known Muslim local chased the shooters and fired two shots at them as they sped off. He was heard telling police officers he was firing in “self defence“.”They were in a silver Subaru,” he told police.” from the NZ Herald.
“A second shooting happened at a mosque in the Linwood area of the city. One Friday prayer goer returned fire with a rifle or shotgun. Witnesses said they heard multiple gunshots around 1.45pm. A well known Muslim local chased the shooters and fired two shots at them as they sped off. He was heard telling police officers he was firing in “self defence“.”They were in a silver Subaru,” he told police.” from the NZ Herald.
This proves,
1. That firearms in the hands of the victims saved lives at one
2. That where civilians are disarmed as in the other Mosque they are
killed with ease as the Police were not in attendance for 36 minutes.
To disarm the citizens when the government has abrogated its
responsibility to defend, makes this a duty not just a right for the
civilians to defend their families and themselves. This again breaches the
Social Contract, the reasons that we chose to live in a community.
We the innocent firearm owners in Australia will also suffer the
‘slings and arrows’ of this outrageous fortune with further losses to our
The suspects also had ‘Bombs”. Are they going to ‘Ban Bombs’ of
course not as they are banned already, which also goes to show that banning
firearms in the same fashion is no deterrent to these, terrorists of any
persuasion. These tragedies only serve as false excuses for politicians who
continually demand more power in the hands of themselves.
As soon as one leg of the Social Contract table is removed all of the
other three are broken and reduced to firewood. The media and the government
will quickly remove the blame from the suspects and place it squarely
on the shoulders of the firearm owners.
Property Will Be Removed.
When the New Zealand government legislates to remove the semi-auto
rifles and shotguns and maybe pump action shotguns it removes the rights of its
citizens to own the product of their labour. When a bird works to unearth a
worm, the worm belongs to the bird and his family, the bird can if it
wishes distribute the worm to its family. Once the precedent is made that allow
governments to take property of one person and give it to another such as the
police, then they can use that precedent to take any property they like because
the public has not been strong enough to resist these impositions.
The only way that they can disarm the innocent firearm owners is to
send other men with guns to take them away.
The Freedom of Speech Has Been Removed.
On Sunday 17th of March 2019 Facebook informs me that my post
has been removed and I have been sent to Facebook silence Prison for Seven
Days. Appealed of course as I could not find anything in the text that insults
anyone or threatens or berates in bad language, but I stay banned. Please read
and spread about far and wide if you feel that it is fair comment.
“Again the Truth has to be suppressed. Senator Fraser Anning speaks
the truth. This tragedy would not have happened if it was not for New Zealand’s
Immigration Policy. Obviously, if there were no Muslim in New Zealand there
would be no Mosques and no Muslims to be shot. Same as with Australia No
Muslims no Problems, No Sharia Killings and No Vigilante Response. If we have a
cohesive unified population we have no terrorism. This could not have happened
in Japan, not because of their Gun laws but because they have No Muslim
Were we asked if we wanted an Islamic community within Australia,
Were the Brits, or the Germans or the New Zealand’s asked, No, they were not.
The Governments knew that eventually the people would rebel against this
invasion. No one blamed the Maori people from rebelling against their
invaders.??? Ron.
I then included an image of Senator Fraser Annning’s Press Release.
Senator Anning lashed out at New Zealand for the way it handled
“I am utterly opposed to any form of violence within our community,
and I totally condemn the actions of the gunman,” Senator Anning said in his
“However, while this kind of violent vigilantism can never be
justified, what it highlights is the growing fear within our community, both in
Australia and New Zealand, of the increasing Muslim presence.
“As always, left-wing politicians and the media will rush to claim
that the causes of today’s shootings lie with gun laws or those who hold
nationalist views but this is all clichéd nonsense.
“The real cause of bloodshed on New Zealand streets today is the
immigration program which allowed Muslim fanatics to migrate to New Zealand in
the first place.” “What effect has this idiot had on us? (Tarrent) He has given
the elites carte blanche to censor the internet at every stroke.
I have never condoned a tit-for-tat response here, nor advocated for
violence and murder, and will keep working to share my concerns about some of
these things in a peaceful manner. Legitimate concerns about runaway immigration,
creeping sharia and the like are fully fair and need to be heard. But resorting
to what the jihadists do daily is not the way to proceed.”
Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has already referred a
censor motion to parliament to try and silence Senator Fraser Anning. Quote,
“Parliament, I’m sure, will express a very clear view about what he’s had to
say,” Mr Morrison said.
Our governments and media cannot abide any opinion that shows them in
an ill light. We have to make that small candle light into a spotlight exposing
the truth. Already we have those wanting to clamp down further on conservative
sites, and censor the internet.
Again, the media, most political leaders and most experts are already
speaking of how Muslims are living in fear, and are talking as if they
experience such fear every day. Yet, they have NOT been the main victims of
terrorism acts. They have been the main perpetrators.
As mentioned the blame game is already happening. As just one example, one social media post said this was directly due to the words and policies of people like Senator Fraser Anning.
As mentioned the blame game is already happening. As just one example, one social media post said this was directly due to the words and policies of people like Senator Fraser Anning.
Here is a Quiz, is there any of these tragedies, below, that have not
got as much air and media attention as this current media feeding frenzy in New
Zealand. Could it seem that Muslim lives are much more important, or does the
media have the bit between its teeth as it hunts up hysteria to produce the Gun
Bans that it loves.
Do you recall the same fury for these disasters or does this current
media play remind you of the Port Arthur delirium?
2002 Bali bombings in the tourist district of Kuta on the Indonesian
island of Bali, killing 202 people and injuring 240
2004 Madrid, Spain train bombings The explosions killed 193 people
and injured around 2,000.
2004 Beslan, Russia school Killing 385
2005 7 July London bombings – Four suicide bombers attacked London
Underground trains and a double decker bus during the morning rush hour killing
52 and injuring 784.
2013 Kenya Westgate shopping mall attack killing 67 injuring 175
2015 Kenya April 2 148 people, most of them Christian students killed
2015 France November 13 A series of terrorist attacks in Paris kill
137, and wound 368.
2015 Belgium March 22 2016 Brussels bombings that resulted in 35
deaths and 300 wounded.
2016 United States June 12 49 people were killed and 53 injured in a
mass shooting at a nightclub in Orlando, Florida. The shooter, Omar Mateen,
pledged allegiance to ISIL .
2016 France July 14 87 people (including the perpetrator Mohamed
Lahouaiej-Bouhlel) died during the Bastille day attack in Nice, 434 were
2017 Manchester UK.Arena Bombing Twenty-three people died, and 139
were wounded, more than half of them children.
2017 London UK March 22 A man drove a car into pedestrians on the
south side of Westminster Bridge, injuring 49 people, 4 of them fatally.
2017 London UK. London Bridge attack, a van ran over multiple
pedestrians on the London Bridge. On Borough Market the occupants of the van
stabbed multiple people killing 11 and wounding 48.
This is only a few examples to see a huge list click on this

Journalists at New Zealand press conference were heard to say”Have we
been paying too much attention to Muslim terrorism?” Incredible. Anywhere from
200 to 600 million people have been murdered in the past 1400 years in the name
of Islam.
We are now just supposed to forget all about the other terrorism, and
pretend that Islam is a religion of peace? Yes non-Muslims can and do commit
acts of horrible violence and terror, but not even blood thirsty ideologies
like godless communism came close to killing as many people in terms of sheer
numbers of Islam.
Indeed, it is at this point that we need to be reminded of some home
truths. It is perfectly clear that this sort of violence and terrorism is
perpetrated on a daily basis against Christians, Westerners and others by
Muslim attackers all around the world. As one example, a new report notes that
11 Christians are killed every day for their beliefs, mostly by Muslims. It
looks at the ten most dangerous nations for Christians, and finds eight of them
are Islamic nations.
In the meantime, we continue to wonder at the lack of Justice as we
seem to have so many double standards today.
Yet even in these early stages, we can see how the leftist media will
be operating: they will put this attack down to right wing views, to Christianity,
to anti-immigration groups, to the conservative alternative media, and so on.
It will be open season on anyone and anything even remotely resembling a
conservative, a Christian, or those who have expressed legitimate concern about
border policies, and unchecked multiculturalism.
For example, we have just learned on the media that one apparent
Muslim terrorist who had planned to bomb an entire plane might be given a free
pass: “An Australian-Lebanese man in custody on terrorism charges in Lebanon will
be freed on bail this week, after the Australian Government agreed to hand over
crucial documents. Amer Khayat, 41, is accused of plotting to blow up an Etihad
plane on a flight from Sydney to Abu Dhabi in July 2017 using two bombs, one
hidden in a meat grinder and another hidden in a Barbie doll.”
All such killing and attempted killings must be fully and soundly
condemned. But the actual historical record is all one-way traffic. Most acts
of terrorism conducted around the world are Islamic attacks. Since 9/11 alone
there have been nearly 35,000 deadly Islamic terror attacks.
Already we have talking heads asking for stricter Gun Control.
Is it because such killings and attacks are so utterly common and routine, the media give them no coverage so not much outrage is produced. Moreover, every time another Islamic jihad attack occurs, especially in the West, everyone seems to bend over backwards and claim this has nothing to do with Islam and we should not even speak about Islam. They say the whole Muslim religion should not be tarred and feathered because of the actions of these few terrorists, yet have no compunction at all in condemning millions of innocent law abiding firearm owners for the actions of couple of evil idiots. The Difference is Gun Laws, the media and the politicians love it, for them its better than Christmas.
Already we have talking heads asking for stricter Gun Control.
Is it because such killings and attacks are so utterly common and routine, the media give them no coverage so not much outrage is produced. Moreover, every time another Islamic jihad attack occurs, especially in the West, everyone seems to bend over backwards and claim this has nothing to do with Islam and we should not even speak about Islam. They say the whole Muslim religion should not be tarred and feathered because of the actions of these few terrorists, yet have no compunction at all in condemning millions of innocent law abiding firearm owners for the actions of couple of evil idiots. The Difference is Gun Laws, the media and the politicians love it, for them its better than Christmas.
No, the politicians intend to keep increasing immigration and
diversity whether we like it or not. They have no right to do this. They have
no mandate to do this. Senator Fraser Anning proposed a referendum on
immigration and he was torn to shreds by the media for his efforts. They are so
intent on tearing the fabric of our societies apart. If they keep ignoring the
wishes of the people then soon, Tarrant may yet get the race war he was wishing
for, and the rest of us have been trying to avoid. Their delusional obsession
with creating a rainbow, multicultural society can only have one outcome.
There is no Spring without Winter, without Mistakes there is no
Learning. There is no Life without Death, without Doubts there is no Faith.
There is no Peace without War, without Fear there is no Courage. For without
Mistakes, Doubts and Fears there are no pathways to Wisdom.
Ron Owen.
Ron Owen.
Any Inquiries on any products phone 07 54824099 or 07 54825070 or
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