Friday, December 28, 2018

PLEASE Don't Ignore This Warning!!!

I realise that most of the people who follow me on this blog already know about the imminent threat from Global Warming, so I am preaching to the converted, but I am making this post on the off chance that others may check this out when they see it on popular media.

Right now nothing else really matters, not gun control, not water pollution, genocide in West Papua or anything else, because Global Warming is speeding up, & it will be an End Of The World event!!!
Not TEOTWAWKI, that implies a change in climate conditions that we can survive with a change of lifestyle, Global Warming will not be survivable!!! There is a strong probability that all life on earth will die, except maybe the cockroaches!

According to scientists around the world we have approximately 12 years in which to stabilise Climate Change, after that, we have past the tipping point & there will be no turning back!!!

No one can predict with any accuracy if it will in fact be 12 years or more, in fact it could be a lot less! Climate Change is moving faster all the time, as more ice melts, more C02 is released. China has closed some coal powered electricity generators, but it is constructing more & is still using coal! Australia is one of the major contributors to Global Warming, we have few people in Australia, but per person we are right up there with China!!!

If you think that this is all bullshit & that if Global Warming was real the government would be doing something about it, you are wrong!!!   The government & Corporatism are corrupt to the core, they are greedy & money & power hungry & they DO NOT give a damn about the common people's welfare! Yes they are going to die too, though they may have the money to extend their lives underground for longer than we can survive on the surface. But by the time the end comes, most of these money hungry mongrels will already be dead anyway, & they know this!!!

The only way in which Global Warming can be stabilised, & I mean stabilised, not stopped & not reversed, just slowed down & kept at present levels, is for a majority of people to take control of this situation!

For those people who still do not believe in Climate Change, look at it this way. If Climate Change is not happening, & we do all we can to stop it's progression, we will have at least made this world, this country, a better place to live in. We still have pollution & contamination to worry about, this is effecting the quality of our drinking water supply & the food we eat. It is effecting the very air we breath. So doing something about Global Warming is not a waste of time & money, we will be making this a better country to live in.

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