Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Saturday, September 24, 2016
Self Defense Shooting In America.
A woman defends herself, her household & her property against three armed intruders.
In my opinion this is how it should be. Australian citizens get
hospitalised & murdered because they do not have a legal right to own a gun
for reasons of self defence. Guns are being imported illegally into Australia
& sold on the Black Market to criminals, yet we have to keep ALL our guns
locked in a gun safe where we can not access them in time to defend ourselves.
I understand the need for gun security, I understand that there is still a
chance however small that guns can be stolen from private residence, but it
seems to me that there should be some compromise between maximum protection of
life & the minimum chance of having firearms stolen. Handguns are
restricted to use on pistol club ranges only, this includes archaic firearms
such as matchlocks, wheellocks, snaphaunce & flintlocks. It is about time
that the government started showing some concern for people's safety & stop
the bullshit & the scaremongering that they use to make ignorant
Australians toe the line & back their draconian gun laws.
Last night I watched the Australian movie "Tomorrow When The War Began" for the second time, & it made me wonder just how Australian citizens were going to be able to defend themselves IF this survival situation was ever to really happen.
armed intruders,
Bill Of Rights,
home invasion,
human rights,
self defence
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Australian Government To Cut Old Age Pension Payments!!!
age pension,
living costs,
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
The spread of superbugs that are resistant to all known drug treatments.
Antimicrobial resistance is on the rise, and in the future, many
infectious diseases will once again be untreatable, forcing more people into
poverty and costing nations dearly, a World Bank-led study warned.
Saturday, September 17, 2016
Animal Parts Use Image.
Don't forget the brains can be used to brain tan animal skins. Bones can be used to make tools, spear & arrow points. Horns for containers; powder horns, tinder horns, grease horns, cups & other vessels. Tendons for bow strings & cordage. The hide for making many leather items & for making hide glue.
18th century,
animal parts,
long term wilderness living,
primitive skills,
survival. preppers,
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
The federal government is poised to announce a national gun amnesty!!!
Yet again, instead of targeting the black market & criminals, the Federal government is targeting the law abiding gun owner. Maybe this amnesty is just for illegally owned guns by unlicensed citizens, I hope so, but wouldn't this money be better used targeting illegal imports & the Black Market?
More information here:
black market,
Monday, September 12, 2016
Thoughts For The Week. Australia. Owen Guns Bulletin September 2016 Edition 123
Thoughts For The Week
The worlds media have downplayed the emerging
militaristic friction in our Asia Pacific area for the last ten years, now
China is building military bases in the Spratley Islands and North
Korea is exploding 10 kiloton nukes delivered by ballistic missiles fired
from submarines. At first you might think Defence is not relevant to
Australia’s firearm owners, but please put up with my background
information before we get to the punch.

Expanding Buffer Zones.
We should do some Heavy Thinking.
Why does, China want military bases in the Spratley Islands, and why does North Korea want nuclear missiles with a range of 2000 miles? The answer is an old strategy, that it is far better to have to fight a war in someone else’s country rather than your own. As the Roman Empire created buffer states to keep out the barbarians, so too do the Chinese. They give nuclear technology and a vast amount of military equipment to Pakistan, so it can hold back India, they keep Tibet enslaved and supply vast amounts of military hardware to North Korea, so it can face off to Japan and Taiwan and as they see it the main bogy man the USA. We cannot be amazed that North Korea and Vietnam also want to keep any threat away from their own countries so also have to engage in a military game of chess as to who dominates the chess board. That chessboard is of course the Pacific Ocean, this should concern all Australians who think.
Why does, China want military bases in the Spratley Islands, and why does North Korea want nuclear missiles with a range of 2000 miles? The answer is an old strategy, that it is far better to have to fight a war in someone else’s country rather than your own. As the Roman Empire created buffer states to keep out the barbarians, so too do the Chinese. They give nuclear technology and a vast amount of military equipment to Pakistan, so it can hold back India, they keep Tibet enslaved and supply vast amounts of military hardware to North Korea, so it can face off to Japan and Taiwan and as they see it the main bogy man the USA. We cannot be amazed that North Korea and Vietnam also want to keep any threat away from their own countries so also have to engage in a military game of chess as to who dominates the chess board. That chessboard is of course the Pacific Ocean, this should concern all Australians who think.
Don’t let the people know? We don’t want to Arouse them.
I should not have to spell it out, we all should know
this but due to the dumbing down, news service that spend hours on man bites
dog stories, or save the rare toad, we are told we are more concerned about how
many medals were won at the Olympics. Really, that is not the truth as we are
all concerned about the safety of our homes and families.
We were very lucky last time, Japan made a big mistake
and attacked the USA. If they had just moved down on Australia. the USA would
not have cared.
It is due to our spineless leaders, who are from the same mould as the pre World War Two Appeasers like the Prime Ministers Ramsay Macdonald, Stanley Baldwin and Neville Chamberlain, and French foreign Minister Pierre Laval, who all sought to avoid war by feeding smaller countries to Japan, Germany and Italy, to sate the savage beasts. They downplay the internal threat from Islam that demands world domination and they downplay the threats from our northern military dictatorships that also want to dominate our region.
It is due to our spineless leaders, who are from the same mould as the pre World War Two Appeasers like the Prime Ministers Ramsay Macdonald, Stanley Baldwin and Neville Chamberlain, and French foreign Minister Pierre Laval, who all sought to avoid war by feeding smaller countries to Japan, Germany and Italy, to sate the savage beasts. They downplay the internal threat from Islam that demands world domination and they downplay the threats from our northern military dictatorships that also want to dominate our region.
Our fearless leaders, feather their own nests with huge
salaries and pension payouts, they take bribes and donations from foreign owned
banks and big business yet put themselves about to the populace as clean as
driven snow.
Last month, the ABC reported businesses with Chinese connections gave Australia’s major parties more than $5.5 million between 2013 and 2015, making them the largest source of foreign-linked donations. The donations were troubling enough for the head of Australia’s spy agency to personally brief leaders of Australia’s major political parties last year about the national security risks. According to the ABC, the security warning from the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) director-general Duncan Lewis included naming donors his agency thought were acting on behalf of the Chinese government.
Last month, the ABC reported businesses with Chinese connections gave Australia’s major parties more than $5.5 million between 2013 and 2015, making them the largest source of foreign-linked donations. The donations were troubling enough for the head of Australia’s spy agency to personally brief leaders of Australia’s major political parties last year about the national security risks. According to the ABC, the security warning from the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) director-general Duncan Lewis included naming donors his agency thought were acting on behalf of the Chinese government.
Much of Australia’s $32.4 billion (2016–2017) defence
budget is siphoned off into private overseas accounts leaving a vast continent
and our people defenceless and our tiny defence force not ‘cannon fodder’ but
like a bite sized, suicide squad. Our 94 Combat aircraft, 59 Abrams tanks, 47
commissioned war ships, with a total staff of 57,982 are struggling to deploy
2,241 soldiers in the field.
Force numbers
Battle Tanks
Combat Aircraft
Just a quick half and hour of research on Google gives us
a scary future. Due to America’s debt and economic decline their population
demands that they can no longer play the worlds policeman and are insisting
that their buffer countries pay for their own defence. Countries like Japan
responding to their local threats and are now rearming, but even without an
offensive force, Japan’s military dwarfs ours.
Force numbers
Battle Tanks
Combat Aircraft
and to get a fair comparison this is just some of our
northern neighbours.
North Korea
Force numbers
Battle Tanks
Combat Aircraft
810 Inc Auxiliaries
Force numbers
Battle Tanks
Combat Aircraft
Force numbers
Battle Tanks
Combat Aircraft
485 plus Auxiliaries
Who do we trust?
None of the above, like Britain in World War Two, the USA
more than likely would have other huge problems, when the sand is thrown into
the air, the rubber hits the road, the anchor is thrown overboard and our
nation is set adrift in a very troubled foaming sea of despair. The USA jumped
into the middle east and impressed its competitors with its dismal abilities.
We in Australia are left defenceless by our governments disinterest and inaction we do not even have the manufacturing base, as we had in World War Two that can quickly improve our situation, in fact our governments bribed romance with free trade continues to destroy Australian manufacturing abilities. Ultimately, without the ability to mount our own defence no one is going to help us, besides the fact that we are not worth helping, Singapore and New Zealand will have enough troubles of their own.
We in Australia are left defenceless by our governments disinterest and inaction we do not even have the manufacturing base, as we had in World War Two that can quickly improve our situation, in fact our governments bribed romance with free trade continues to destroy Australian manufacturing abilities. Ultimately, without the ability to mount our own defence no one is going to help us, besides the fact that we are not worth helping, Singapore and New Zealand will have enough troubles of their own.
We have been Subverted and Betrayed.
Australians have been made house guests of the Sorcerers
Apprentice, who has let loose what cannot be controlled, what was not quite so
bad yesterday will be much worse today and a nightmare tomorrow. In Australia
we have been magically changed from people who used to work, produce and build,
into surrogate, subservient, consumers, the lowest human form. We are
televised, and advertised out of our senses. We exist in images, not realities.
We are given an image of what we are supposed to want and what we are supposed
to be, and most people follow it. Hardly anyone notices that the producers have
gone, that the factories have closed, the farms turned into National Parks that
quality in food, materials or life itself have disappeared.
Even money has changed into an image, the magic card, but
what it buys for people is debt enslavement and shoddy goods. The ‘Good Life’
is now a political swindle and should be given a bouquet of flour, but in
reality it should be a wreath, but even then it be hard to find one not made
out of plastic flowers. We have created a society whose representative figures
are politicians who are sold with the soap and cornflakes, they are wooed by
plastic Barbie and Ken interviewers who would not know if their backsides were
melting. Our young are wooed by singers with no voices, whose only
qualifications are a lot of hair, sweat and cheap imported electronic
equipment. These are the leaders who have betrayed our nation.
Firearm Owners Our Only Hope.
Where is our hope for the future? Only with the 2,000,000 licensed shooters, or the 2 000,000 or so voters at the last election, who for the first time chose the un advertised, the independent, or small party senators, our nations future has been on a slide into the abyss, now it has a small window, a small chance to survive.
Where is our hope for the future? Only with the 2,000,000 licensed shooters, or the 2 000,000 or so voters at the last election, who for the first time chose the un advertised, the independent, or small party senators, our nations future has been on a slide into the abyss, now it has a small window, a small chance to survive.
The Point.
I cannot tell you, that the two million licensed shooters with their five million licenced firearms are our nations best asset to deter invasion, nukes versus .22 Lr are not going to win us any battles, but think about this, if our chicken livered politicians surrendered, and flew out to their condo in Florida, the enemy has still to disarm us, before they kill us all. When anyone gets shot with a .22 the only place they want to go to ‘fast’, is hospital. Disarming two million shooters and their friends under those circumstances would be a lot more difficult than John Howards Un Informed buy back, and as John found out totally un successful. They could suffer a million casualties, if Australians chose to fight, rather than join the gas chamber queue. Yes, we desperately need the tools to manufacture a defence industry. If we had a responsible government it should be doing everything to encourage shooting, hunting, expanding knowledge of ballistic, encouraging industry, rifle and pistol ranges. Instead, we are confronted with suppression, is it any wonder that we suspect their motives and do all we can to replace them. Ron Owen.
I cannot tell you, that the two million licensed shooters with their five million licenced firearms are our nations best asset to deter invasion, nukes versus .22 Lr are not going to win us any battles, but think about this, if our chicken livered politicians surrendered, and flew out to their condo in Florida, the enemy has still to disarm us, before they kill us all. When anyone gets shot with a .22 the only place they want to go to ‘fast’, is hospital. Disarming two million shooters and their friends under those circumstances would be a lot more difficult than John Howards Un Informed buy back, and as John found out totally un successful. They could suffer a million casualties, if Australians chose to fight, rather than join the gas chamber queue. Yes, we desperately need the tools to manufacture a defence industry. If we had a responsible government it should be doing everything to encourage shooting, hunting, expanding knowledge of ballistic, encouraging industry, rifle and pistol ranges. Instead, we are confronted with suppression, is it any wonder that we suspect their motives and do all we can to replace them. Ron Owen.
North Korea,
Sunday, September 11, 2016
A Woodsrunner's Diary: Wild Edible Foods. Prickly Lettuce.
A Woodsrunner's Diary: Wild Edible Foods. Prickly Lettuce.: Prickly Lettuce. Lactuca serriola, Prickly Lettuce. Emu Plains, NSW.; ...
Saturday, September 3, 2016
Thursday, September 1, 2016
Scott Morrison defends Sharia law investment tax changes.
domestic violence,
sharia law,
Tax Changes,
women in need
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