Sunday, January 18, 2015

Australian Councils Have No Legal Rights To Govern. Australian Constitution.

Wayne Glew
Post For Australia
Number Eight
All you have to do to prove that councils have no authority over your land and that the so called Government cant give it to them is read your constitution.They have no authority at all when it comes to your land nor can they tax it without you giving them permission.

It all stems from Federation. Section 51 sub section 38 in the annotated Constitution Quick and Garren. It states that with the proclamation of this act the old entities known as the Australiasian council and the colonies cease to exist, that is under the provisions of clause seven of the Constitution. Because we didn't go into Federation until January 1901 we had five months without any laws from the old entities. It then States even if this wasn't so there were only seven legislative areas excercised by the Australiasian council and even less by the colonies and all seven are contained in section 51 of this Constitution. Chapter one page 346 states if an authority isn't granted by this Constitution to the Parliaments it is denied and remains with the people. There is no permission granted in the Constitution for the Government to have control over our land, and Chapter two of the Constitution authorises the Governor in council and only him to issue tittle deeds and transfer land.
This means that all the Council's are lying thieves and the idiots that gave them any authority are stupid thieves themselves.
Please share to everyone..... Thank you

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