A Chance For A Future??
We Have a Federal Election on May 18th 2019. A chance to make a change of direction for our country. At the last Federal election 23 % of the voters chose to give their votes to independents and minor parties, it did not give us enough seats to make a real difference, but as the major baddies in the Federal Senate did not have a majority, it held them back from sending us further into the Abyss. This time due to even more dissatisfaction with major parties we should easily get 33%, that will shock them to the core. Don’t worry about Tweedle Dee or Tweedle Dummer winning, or losing they are just the same party with two names and two socialist policies.

Independent, or minor parties are a must, we need them as they can give us a voice in the halls of power. They can curtail the excesses of these socialist morons that curtail our Freedoms.
Apologist’s, or a Paranymph’s?Are our leaders Apologists, or Paranymph (it means, an ally; a supporter, or abettor)?
Yes I did have to look that one up, but is seems so appropriate for our slippery, eel like bottom feeders that inhabit the halls of power, in our country, which was ‘once, for one brief shining moment’ in the 1960s a ‘Camelot’ a nation to be proud of.
Why do our political leaders, say “Australia is the most successful multiculturalism society in the world, it’s one of our greatest achievements.” and the Victorian Government denies that they have a problem with Muslim Sudanese Gangs. The Victorian people know that they have a problem with these Gangs, Senator Fraser Anning speaks out about the problem and is called a racist for his efforts.
Tanya Plibersek, Labour Party Deputy Leader, would not have done a days Labour in her life.
In 2002, Eighty Eight Australians and another 100 were injured in the Bali Bombings by Islamic terrorists. Since then many other violent incidents have occurred inside Australia in the name of IS, namely the September 2014 Endeavour Hills stabbing, the December 2014, Lindt Café Siege, by Mad Monis, an Iranian “refugee” and Islamist, the October 2015 killing of police accountant Curtis Cheng by Farhad Jabour, an Iranian “refugee”, while shouting “Allah is the greatest“, the September 2016 Minto stabbing, the May 2017 Brighton Siege and the February 2018 Mill Park stabbing. During that time at least eight failed terrorist plots have been proven in court and a number of alleged plots are still before the courts.
The Somali-born Australian, known as Mohamed Khalif and also Hassan Shire, stabbed a man to death and injured two other men after his Holden Rodeo exploded in Bourke St, Melbourne, the attacker aged in his 30s, was also one of 300 “persons of interest” in Victoria, identified as posing a potential security risk and it is understood he had been watched by police. Somali-born Yacqub Khayre in June, 2017 murdered a worker at a Melbourne apartment block, held a woman hostage and shot three police after telling Channel 7: “This is for IS, this is for Al-Qaeda.”. Numan Haider, an Afghan “refugee” and IS recruit, stabbed two policemen in Melbourne. Mohammad Ali Baryalei, an Afghan “refugee”, became a recruiter and fighter for IS. Saney Edow Aweys, a Somalian “refugee”, plotted to attack the Holsworthy Army base. This list is not all of them by any means and many more are to come before the courts.
ASIO boss Duncan Lewis last year, criticised Pauline Hanson, followed his political masters and stated. “I have absolutely no evidence to suggest there is a connection between refugees and terrorism”.When Senator Fraser Anning, suggests a referendum on Islamic immigration, again he is called a racist.
How can we trust our politicians when they ignore reality and arrogantly lie to us all ?
The socialist propaganda wing ABC host Fran Kelly stated in 2015:
“I don’t know of links of people who have come in as refugees and then committed terrorist offences.”
Our mainstream media and politicians, constantly reiterate that we cannot blame all the followers of Islam for the crimes of just a few, yet have no hesitation in condemning millions of law abiding firearm owners for the crimes perpetuated by an illegal, unlicenced, unwanted, criminal invader who lives off our welfare.

It’s happening yet again, Premier of Victoria Daniel Andrews, announces that he will move to legislate any changes to the licencing of firearm owners that the Police Commissioner requests. The fact that the Premier is allowing unelected Police to write legislation, to allowing a self interested body, who have long been anti-gun, for advice is another part of the problem. As it is completely, contrary to the separation of powers doctrine given to parliament under the State’s Constitutions, as the enforcing part of government should never be the party to demand legislators to remove rights from the individuals who incidentally pay their wages.

Premier Daniel Andrews is quite aware that they have lost control of crime in Victoria but yet again believes the smart thing to do is to punish the innocent, as the media will love him for it. He really knows that the gangsters will take no notice of it anyway, they would support it as well, makes for better job security if everyone else is defenceless.
This all happens on the international scene as well, President Macron is still denying that the Notre Dame fire was intentional a Muslim Arson, even though IS has claimed responsibility and threatened to do it again. Macron also ignored these records.
•Fire at church of Saint-Sulpice, Paris. (17 March)
•Vandalism at church of Notre Dame des Enfants, Nîmes. (6 February)
•Vandalism at church of Notre Dame, Dijon. (9 February)
•Fire and vandalism at Lavaur Cathedral, Lavaur. (5 February)
•Repeated vandalism at churches in Yvelines. (25 January to 10 February)
Three acts of vandalism at the church of Saint Nicolas in Houilles. (25 January, 1 February, 3 February)
An act of vandalism at the church of Saint Nicolas in Maisons-Laffitte. (10 February)
and at Saint-etienne-du-rouvray, France, Knife-wielding attackers interrupted a French church service, forced the priest to his knees and slit his throat on Tuesday, a murder made even more shocking as one of the assailants was a known would-be jihadist under supposedly tight surveillance.
The men arrived during morning mass in Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray, a working-class town near Rouen, northwest of Paris, where the 85-year-old parish priest, Father Jacques Hamel, was leading prayers.”They forced him to his knees and he tried to defend himself,” said Sister Danielle.

In 2018 over a 1000 French churches were burnt and vandalised. Yet again the real cause is ignored. French authorities consider the blaze an accident – despite the fact that there has been a major surge of incidents where churches have been destroyed or vandalized by hostile Muslims. “Nearly 2,000 Christian houses of worship in France have been desecrated in the past two years, according to police, [while] in Germany, there were four such incidents in March,”. “Some French politicians have attributed the church desecrations, averaging more than two a day to ‘militant secularism’ instead of admitting that it is ‘militant islamic’s.
Continental Cover up?However, political correctness across the Atlantic has made reporting on Islamic attacks against Christian buildings and monuments taboo, and when Islamic adherents are exposed, their crimes are often excused.”[In almost all attacks across Europe], authorities and media obscure the identity of the vandals,” Raymond Ibrahim, a senior fellow the Gatestone Institute pointed out. “In those rare instances when the Muslim, or ‘migrant’, identity of the destroyers is leaked, the church or cemetery desecrates are then presented as suffering from mental health issues.”
A common fear to expose the attacks at face value has been like an epidemic for some time, as European publications have stressed. “Hardly anyone writes and speaks about the increasing attacks on Christian symbols,” Germany’s PI News explained in its analysis of church attacks, noting how authorities stop at nothing to avoid putting the blame on Muslim migrants. “There is an eloquent silence in both France and Germany about the scandal of the desecrations and the religion of the perpetrators.”
It has reportedly gotten so bad that local authorities where the attacks are staged risk serious consequences if they blame Muslims for the crimes,”It is not the perpetrators who are in danger of being ostracized, but those who dare to associate the desecration of Christian symbols with Islamic immigrants,” the German website explained. “They are accused of hatred, hate speech and racism.” But the numbers don’t lie, and there is no denying the fact that as the number of Muslim migrants has increased, so has the number of attacks on Christian monuments and houses of worship. Figures released by French police showed that 875 of France’s 42,258 churches were vandalized last year, [and] a further 129 churches reported thefts from the premises,”.
Are these politicians ‘Apologist’s, or ‘Paranymph’s?
Why will they not admit that Islamic forces want to destroy us. Todays News, is that at least 351 people have been killed and over 450 wounded in a series of Easter Sunday explosions targeting churches and hotels in Sri Lanka. “A bomb attack to our church, please come and help if your family members are there,” read a post in English on the Facebook page of the St Sebastian’s Church at Katuwapitiya in Negombo.
Sri Lanka’s police chief made a nationwide alert ten days before, stating that suicide bombers planned to hit “prominent churches”. A foreign intelligence agency has reported that the NTJ (National Thowheeth Jama’ath) is planning to carry out suicide attacks targeting prominent churches,” said the alert. The NTJ is a radical Muslim group in Sri Lanka that came to notice last year when it was linked to the vandalization of Buddhist monuments”.
When will our political leaders admit that a state of War has been Declared on us all. That is what a Jihad is, we need to act to Defend our Country, our families and our way of life, or at least make it so we are free to do so.
The Modern Day Black Shirts, not in just Germany but Worldwide.
Now the shades of night are descending on the previous centuries of freedom. The freedoms we took for granted as citizens of a Constitutional Monarchy, such as freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of conscience are being stripped away by appeasers who insist we all have to believe, and behave in the same way. We are not allowed to take issue in our thinking, speaking or writing, without bringing the powers of the State and media against us. Unless, of course if we are protesting Islamics, homosexuals, or Antifa they are the chosen ones they can do as they wish and insult anyone who opposes them.
The Anti Discrimination Commission Seeking Complainers. The State pays for everything for the Complainer and the victim has to pay their own costs plus the other sides if they give up, or lose.
Anyone who dares overstep the new decrees of so called modernism face instant vindictive vilification. It’s not only Islam that’s off limits. Add to that topics such as pro human rights, the right to life, the right to own property (firearms) the right to be pro family, or criticise Global warmers. Freedom of speech against any of these new “Holy Cows” is now closed by despotic rules, and people like Israel Folau, Bernard Gaynor, Dr Peter Ridd, Senator Fraser Anning, Kathy Clubb and myself have been heavily penalised by the State Courts and Media minions.
Now people who remind others of any of the sensible Biblical rules, like Israel Folau, and Bernard Gaynor become pariahs who are attacked and stripped of their jobs, and privileges in order to silence them. Good people are now branded as “hatemongers” and their enemies spew hatred and bile at them to close what they have to say down, they use the media to isolate them and their families.
As an Atheist I’m included too, but I can handle that, and believe that he has every right to express his beliefs and opinions.
I believe this treatment is part of a covert war being waged on our culture by people who hate us and wish to destroy our Western civilisation.
These people are not Muslims, but they are the Paranymph’s, the supporters, they are anti-Christian and anti freedom. They control the press, the TV, the largest internet companies, the schools and the universities. Anyone who stands up against these huge institutions face an onslaught of slander and bile, not just personally but on their families as well.
Dr Peter Ridd, a professor of physics at James Cook University, was sacked by the university for questioning the climate change science around the Great Barrier Reef.
Dr Peter Ridd wondering where the $500 million will be spent on a healthy reef.
Lawyers acting for sacked James Cook University professor Peter Ridd say the university sought to turn its disciplinary process into a “star chamber” after he publicly criticised the institution and one of its star scientists over claims about the impact global warming had on the Great Barrier Reef. Professor Ridd, who worked at the university for 40 years, has challenged the dismissal in the Federal Court, Professor Ridd said the images of bleached coral reefs near Stone Island, off the coast of Bowen in north Queensland, were misleading because they showed poorly affected corals, which were selected over nearby healthy coral and used to show “broad scale decline” of reef health. Field technicians working for Professor Ridd took photos in the same vicinity as the bleaching pictures supplied by the university and GBRMPA which showed “spectacular coral living there”.
Professor Ridd told the journalist in the email that the use of the pictures was “a dramatic example of how scientific organisations are happy to spin a story for their own purposes”. He also said his colleague Professor Terry Hughes, the head of JCU’s Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies, would “wriggle and squirm” when asked to explain the discrepancies in the images.
Its amazing what Universities will stoop to get a slice of the next $500 million dollars to save the Reef.
https://ipa.org.au/…/peter- ridd-wins-biggest-victory-on- fre…
How many of us have had the courage to stand and say what is right and what is wrong without flinching from the baying mob of self-righteous socialists.
Senator Fraser Anning and his wife Fiona visiting the Owen Gun Trust Firearm Museum. He is Brave Enough.
Fraser Anning Firearm Policy
Where do we find leaders who have the courage to insist that a man is actually a man and a woman is a woman? Which public figure has refused to accept that it is OK to kill a baby just moments before birth? Who has been prepared to risk their career and their reputation to stand up for what they know in their heart to be right, no matter what the cost?
Diversity, has been changed from a shield of protection into a sword of silence.
What is it All About, Do you ever wonder what the end game objective is?
Know your Enemy.Do you all remember the arrogance of Rebecca Peters the leading light for Gun Control Australia, well after she received international awards for Human Rights, (what a demonic joke) she returned to her old boss George Soros who then elevated her to one of his funded Associations IANSA, International Action Network on Small Arms which states it represent over 800 gun control organizations in 120 countries and has Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. They are the official coordinator of civil society participation in UN meetings on small arms. Rebecca Peters as one of its leading figures worked in New York at the U. N. IANSA’s besides the organisation being funded by the Soros Foundation has been supported by funders including the Governments of Belgium, Sweden and Norway, as well as the Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, Compton Foundation, Ploughshares Fund, John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, Samuel Rubin Foundation UNICEF, and Christian Aid.
Rebecca Peters also works for the Open Society Institute, a private foundation funded by George Soros. Director of the International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA) from 2002 to 2010. As of April 2012, Peters was listed on the IANSA board of directors, Ms Peters is now a Senior Fellow at the Open Society Institute, the private foundation funded by George Soros. For the past two years she directed the foundation’s grants program. Rebecca Peters is also a member of the leaders of the UMUT FOUNDATION. Islamic society based in Istanbul, Turkey, devoted to Individual Disarmament.
Web Archive Umut Foundation
Conspiracy’s are Not Theories, They are Politics and Business.You might wonder where this is all going, what is the connection between Gun Control Australia, The UN, Open Society, IANSA and George Soros, why is he involved. George Soros makes his billions of dollars by currency manipulation. I believe its like buying “short” and if the currency of a country goes up, he loses and has to pay in, but if the countries currency declines he becomes fabulously even more richer. The Crash of the Pound in 1992 netted him an extra Billion, he followed it up with the Asian Crash of the Thia and Malaysian currency crash. He has invested, over the last few years 32 Billion dollars, just in the Open Society Association and through them to other smaller associations he supports mass migration, anything goes politics, gun control, abortion, legalising drugs, and strangely even for an atheist whose Father was an atheist Jew he supports Islamic immigration to almost every western country. Many will ask Why, but if you think about it, what better way to wreck a countries economy, mass migration, George works on causing maximum disruption, illegal, or legal invasion its just the same to George Soros as he knows welfare costs are killing Great Britain, why does he oppose Brexit and put billions into the Remain campaign, well a hard Brexit will put up the customs barriers and free migration from Africa will stop. Same to with the USA he supported the Brazilian and Venezuelan socialists, supported the Gun Control campaigns knowing that their economies would go down the tubes and that would send millions of economical refugees into the USA. That’s why he supported Obama and Hilary Clinton. Democrats who like every other bought and paid for politician supports open borders. Trump has been beating him and reviving the US industry and restricted the flow, the US currency climbs and George Short Market gambles look like going bad. So as well as spending billions getting Trump un elected, George will work on sending other economies broke to keep his coffers climbing.
Mass Migration, Invasion by Persuasion, is the ‘New Normal’.
Secret internal reports and memos by one of George Soros’s left-wing front groups reveals the socialist billionaire’s subversive reach within the last Obama administration, the United Nations, and the governing structures of the European Union, especially as it relates to the manufactured refugee/migration crisis. Among the many noteworthy points made by Soros activists in one report is the assertion that the migrant/refugee tsunami that has already swamped Europe with 1-2 million Muslim migrants should be accepted as “the new normal.” This is not surprising, but it is alarming. It is not surprising because for many years Soros and his minions have been in the vanguard of the Open Borders/Migration Lobby. It is alarming because the radical “migration rights” agenda of the Soros network is being translated into official government policy, nationally and globally. A May 12, 2016 report of the International Migration Institute (IMI), an official project of Soros’s ‘Open Society Foundations’ (OSF), provides an important window to view the working relationships among the IMI refugee activists and their allies inside Obama’s administration and the United Nations. The nine-page report, by top IMI staffers Anna Crowley and Kate Rosin, entitled “Migration Governance and Enforcement Portfolio Review,” is one of many Soros/OSF documents released by DCLeaks.com, which describes itself as a project “launched by the American hacktivists” who “believe U.S. citizens have the right to know how domestic and foreign policies of the United States are shaped and who the real policy maker is.”Quite clearly, when it comes to migrant/refugee policy, Soros and his fellow globalists are the real policy makers. Soros staffers Crowley and Rosin call for “accepting the current crisis as the new normal and moving beyond the need to react.”

Their report also provides revealing details on the Soros/IMI/OSF relationship to Goldman Sachs titan Peter Sutherland, the UN’s top globalist agent in charge of designing and implementing the UN’s chaos-producing migration programs. The Columbia Global Policy Initiative (CGPI), which hosts the secretariat for Peter Sutherland, the UN Secretary General’s Special Representative on International Migration, has been able to take advantage of momentum created by the current crisis to shape conversations about rethinking migration governance,” write Crowley and Rosin in the leaked report. The Soros staffers continue, noting the key role played by their IMI “think tank”: “IMI provided project support for the drafting of The Sutherland Report, which aims to set the stage for institutional reforms to global migration governance, and to break new ground on protections for migrants outside the asylum system.”
Australia is one of the countries that George is working on. He knows that our economy is precarious, he knows that with some small (to him) investment he can manipulate and then capitalise from our countries loss.
Funding political parties in Australia as he does openly in other countries would be embarrassing and counter productive, so besides the Open Society funding of Gun Control Australia with its five members, George moves money into “GetUp! and their Union affiliates have received overseas donations worth millions of dollars from a whole range of George Soros funded smaller groups.
Because ‘Get Up’ is not a registered political party but a third party organisation, ‘GetUp’ only has to declare to the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) those funds that have been particularly spent on “certain political activities”. So while ‘GetUp’s’ 2017-18 Annual Report revealed that 84.5% of their annual expenditure was “related to campaigns”, only 7.3% of their total expenditure was reported to the Australian Electoral Commission! So exactly where does the other 77.4% of their annual expenditure come from? The income to pay for it comes from a multi breasted beast, its sucked and syphoned though many other bank accounts but Soros is behind them all.
Source: GetUp Annual Report, 2017-2018, Page 21

Declared donations to the Australian Electoral Commission this is the 7.3 % include:
•$63,693 from the Geneva-based Oak Foundation,
•$42,960 from German activist group Campact, and
•two separate donations of $99,985 and $95,633 from the US-based Avaaz Foundation. (Source: AEC Returns 2016-2017, 2014-15, 2013-14)
Avaaz is a U.S.-based nonprofit organization launched in January 2007 that promotes global activism on issues such as climate change, human rights, animal rights, corruption, poverty, and conflict.
•Co-founder Ricken Patel also serves on the advisory board of lobby group J Street.
•Fadi Quran, senior campaigner at Avaaz, is also an Al-Shabaka Policy Member and former UN Advocacy Officer with Al-Haq.
The UK based newspaper The Guardian considers it “the globe’s largest and most powerful online activist network”. Avaaz was co-founded in 2007 by “Res Publica, a global Anti-Israel Activities civic advocacy group, and MoveOn.Org” The former received grants totaling $250,000 from the Soros Open Society Institute in 2008. The latter received a $1.46 million grant from George Soros in 2004. As usual, pretending to be a “people’s organization” AVAAZ is not shy about begging for money. AVAAZ is in the same corral as arch-phoney MoveOn.org, also funded by Soros, and operating under the umbrella of Res Publica.
Mind manipulation is a thriving industry in every country in the Western World. Soros intervenes in elections both in the US, and Australia. In the US he spent $42 million at the High Court of America to ensure that “non political” groups were able to give political donations and agitate for change but not have their donations scrutinised by the various electoral commissions.
In 2013 Soros bought into Australia’s Channel 9 network, Billionaire investor George Soros is understood to have bought $6 million to $8 million of shares in Nine Entertainment.
Move On, GetUp, and Emily’s List have received enormous support from Soros because these are the change agents for elections, in both Australia and the US that can operate outside of Governmental control.
GetUp are also foundation members of the Online Progressive Engagement Network (OPEN). OPEN is an international network that provides a range of services to activist organisations around the world – a sort of incubator and training hub to create and fund even more far-left activism.The Managing Director of OPEN is none other than GetUp’s current Chairman Phil Ireland, while the other Directors are from India, the US, the UK and Germany. Source: The OPEN network website
Bizarrely, ‘GetUp’ has received two separate payments of about 41,000 euros ($65,389) in 2015 and 2016 from Campact, a German organisation as “funds held on trust” in membership fees for the Online Progressive Engagement Network (OPEN).
A ‘GetUp’ spokeperson explained to SBS News in February 2018 that “(Funds held on trust) are generally used to save on bank transaction fees and foreign exchange fluctuations, or to shift the burden of administering those funds. Almost half of sizeable donations gifted to activist group GetUp in the past year came from overseas, the other half would come through Unions who also received the funds from overseas.
Further evidence of foreign influence was revealed recently in a Wikileaks exposure of the emails of Hilary Clinton’s former campaign Chairman John Podesta (who founded the Centre for American Progress). The emails showed that the foreign Sandler Foundation was orchestrating and funding opposition to the Australian Coal Industry through the Sunrise Project.
A congratulatory email from the Sunrise Project’s Executive Director John Hepburn (former head of Greenpeace) credited ‘GetUp’,
350.org, Greenpeace, Australian Youth Climate Coalition, Market Forces and the Mackay Conservation Group as working together to block the Adani Mine, with funding from foreign interests.
Source: Campaign against Australian coal – trail leads to John Podesta
So the future development of Australia’s economy, in this case our vast natural resources, is being decided by foreign organisations, not Australian voters.
So exactly what services are ‘GetUp’ providing to other foreign members of OPEN, and vice versa? Speaking of services, local ‘GetUp’ Board member Daniel Stone’s digital campaign company Principle Co lists US-based ‘GetUp’ funder Avaaz as a client, along with the Labor Party, the ACTU, The Australian Youth Climate Coalition, and the Maritime Union.
The Principleco website lists the same foundations as ‘Get UP’, Move On, Open and AVAAZ. They all seem to spend there activities and finances in one another’s company.
Many of ‘GetUp’s affiliates, those organisations that they support and who support them in their activities, also receive funding from a range of overseas sources. Just a few of the local activist organisations with links to ‘GetUp’ include: The Sunrise Project, Beyond Zero Emissions, Environment Victoria,
350.org, Australian Youth Climate Coalition, Markets for Change, Colour Code, Climate for Change, Centre for Australian Progress, Prosper Australia, Future Super, Animals Australia, Seed Indigenous Youth Climate Network, Cool Australia, The Change Agency, Citizens Climate Lobby, Climate Action Network Australia, Greenpeace, Lock the Gate, Nature Conservation Foundation, Friends of the Earth, Tipping Point, Stop Adani, CoalSwarm, Voices for Indi, Voices of Warringah, Per Capita, The Tally Room, Farmers for Climate Action; and Principle Co.

That makes it almost impossible for any government body to check where the money is coming from, not that any government or major media organisation will be directed to look into these organisations as they will be bought the same way.
‘GetUp’s campaigns aren’t actually about saving the planet, they’re ultimately about making money so they can further their left-wing agenda. ‘GetUp’ has so far received huge kickbacks amounting to $2 million from NZ-based online energy retailer Powershop. GetUp created an online “Better Power” campaign on energy and encouraged people to sign with Powershop – who they claim is a “100% renewable energy generator“.
GetUp gets a payment every time they convinced someone (usually one of their well-meaning followers) to switch to Powershop. The problem is Powershop, wholly owned by New Zealand firm Meridian Energy, (which is 51% owned by the NZ government!) only owns a few wind farms. It was revealed they actually buy electricity from the national power grid in the same way as other Australian retailers. The bulk of Powershop’s electricity, often all of it, is sourced from coal-fired power stations. They offer the feel-good factor for consumers by also buying UN-accredited certified emission reduction certificates. But they still very much rely on coal-fired power for supply! GetUp, of course, fail to mention that. But they take the kickbacks and use them to campaign against Powershop’s Australian retail competitors’ use of “dirty coal”, and drive more Australians to a NZ owned company!
Source: The Australian Newspaper – ‘GetUp! pockets $2m with a ‘dirty’ deal GetUps role in our elections is excessive yet, because its not a registered political party it does not come under the charge of the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC).
(Abetz, Minister for State, in 2005 asked to have GetUp investigated by the AEC and the ACCC but that request was turned down due to “insufficient grounds”.)
We used to revere Faith, Mercy, Charity and Justice but now due to academic robotical protégées who identify themselves as warriors who wield swords to impose a new moral order that demands total acceptance and compliance from everyone. Old taboos have become the new normal. There seemingly can be and will be no exceptions. At stake is the genuine and vibrant diversity of a healthy democracy where differences are accepted and tolerated. But dusk is descending. A new tyranny of intolerance is being imposed. And we should beware of those who tell us we are mistaken and deluded. If we don’t stand up for ourselves now, they will be coming for you next. DANGEROUS TIMES FOR EVERYBODY.

There is no Spring without Winter, without Mistakes there is no Learning. There is no Life without Death, without Doubts there is no Faith. There is no Peace without War, without Fear there is no Courage. For without Mistakes, Doubts and Fears there are no pathways to Wisdom.Ron Owen.
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Tanya Plibersek, Labour Party Deputy Leader, would not have done a days Labour in her life.
The Anti Discrimination Commission Seeking Complainers. The State pays for everything for the Complainer and the victim has to pay their own costs plus the other sides if they give up, or lose.
As an Atheist I’m included too, but I can handle that, and believe that he has every right to express his beliefs and opinions.
Dr Peter Ridd wondering where the $500 million will be spent on a healthy reef.
Senator Fraser Anning and his wife Fiona visiting the Owen Gun Trust Firearm Museum. He is Brave Enough.
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