Monday, November 18, 2013

Two Of My DVDs Are To Be Deleted Soon.

Just a Heads-Up that Trepstar are going to delet a couple of my DVDs due to lack of sales over the past 240 days. They are Muzle-loaders & More, & Off The Grid. If you intended to purchase one of these, now is the time to get it before it is deleted. A purchase will keep it running, & I could do this myself, but I make so little from these DVDs that it simply would not be worth my while.
Regards, Keith.


  1. How can I order a set

  2. Sorry, no longer available.
    Regards, Keith.

  3. Can not order any dvd. Especially wanted one on moccassins. no buy button on above link to woodsrunner diary. What's happening please?

  4. These DVDs were simply not selling, even though I kept the cost down so that I virtually made nothing on them myself. It was costing me money to keep them available, so eventually I had to take them off the market.
    Regards, Keith.
    PS. Strange that I have not received notification of these comments. Only by chance did I come across them because I had to sign in on this different computer !
