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Monday, May 2, 2022
Australian Militia. Australian Civil Defence, & should we be preparing for war.
Our Only Secret Asset Is Two Million licenced Shooters.
Australia has to train millions of fit young men, and women to fight. We quickly need a trained Militia similar to the Ukraine, Taiwan, or Switzerland.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) had the Swiss federal principle of the people’s army in mind when he wrote in 1772 “All citizens should see being a soldier as their duty, not as a profession. Such was the case with the Roman military system; such is the case with the Swiss system today; and such should be the case with any free State.”
The first constitution for Switzerland as a whole, the Helvetic Constitution of 1798, laid down the militia principle in Article 25, inter alia: ‘Every citizen is a born soldier of the Fatherland’. From 1830 onwards, the reframed cantonal constitutions then also adopted this principle. Under the country’s militia system, professional soldiers constitute about 5 percent of the military and the rest are conscripts or volunteers aged 19 to 34 (in some cases up to 50). The structure of the Swiss militia system stipulates that the soldiers keep their own personal equipment, including all personally assigned weapons, at home. All members of the Armed Forces who have been issued an assault rifle must complete a shooting exercise at a rifle club every year until the last year before they are discharged from military duty.
Compulsory military service applies to all male Swiss citizens, with women serving voluntarily. Males usually receive initial orders at the age of 18 for military conscription eligibility screening. About two-thirds of young Swiss men are found suitable for service, while alternative service exists for those found unsuitable.
Civil Defence For Australia
Australia needs a new mind set in its development following the Swiss Civil Defence as imagine how we in Australia today could cope with the invasion such as what is occurring today in Ukraine.
After World War II, Switzerland began building homes with 40 cm-thick concrete ceilings that might survive firebombing of the type that destroyed Hamburg and Dresden. In the 1960s they began constructing radiation and blast shelters that could survive one to three bars (100–300 kPa) of pressure from a nuclear explosion. Building codes require blast shelters, which are said to be able to accommodate 114% of the Swiss population. Small towns have large underground parking garages that can serve as sealed community shelters. There are also hospitals and command centres in such shelters, aimed at keeping the country running in case of emergencies. Many private shelters serve as wine cellars and closets.
That’s not a Rock, its not a Swiss Watch, nor a Swiss Army pocket knife but a Swiss Gun Emplacement.
Thousands of tunnels, highways, railroads, and bridges are built with tank traps and primed with demolition charges to be used against invading forces; often, the civilian engineer who designed the bridge plans the demolition as a military officer. Hidden guns are aimed to prevent enemy forces from attempting to rebuild. Permanent fortifications were established in the Alps, as bases from which to retake the fertile valleys after a potential invasion. They include underground air bases that are adjacent to normal runways; the aircraft, crew and supporting material are housed in the caverns.
Australia used to Have a Militia.
Using the Rifle Clubs the Local Depots. It was a part of the Defence Act of 1903 and was not removed until that imbecile John Howard removed it in 1997.
Initially it stated.
No. 20 of 1903.
“An Act to provide for the Naval and Military Defence and Protection of the Commonwealth and of the several States.
Citizen Forces.
Section 32.—(1.) The Citizen Forces shall be divided into Militia Forces Volunteer Forces and Reserve Forces.
(2.) The Militia Forces shall consist of officers, soldiers, petty officers, and sailors who are not bound to continuous naval or military service and who are paid for their services as prescribed.
(3.) The Volunteer Forces shall consist of officers, soldiers, petty officers, and sailors who are not bound to continuous naval or military service and who are not ordinarily paid for their services in times of peace.
(4.) The Reserve Forces shall consist of—
(a) Members of Rifle Clubs constituted in the manner prescribed, who have taken the oath set out in the Second Schedule, before an officer or Justice of the Peace, or before a person authorized by regulation to receive such oath; and
(b) Persons who, having served in the Active Forces or otherwise as is prescribed, are enrolled as members of the Reserve Forces.
Property of Rifle Club vested in Captain
For the purposes of legal proceedings, all arms, ammunition, or other military articles, belonging to or used by any Rifle Club, shall be deemed to be the property of the Captain of the Rifle Club.
Regulations (1) The Governor-General may make regulations, not inconsistent with this Act, prescribing all matters which by this Act are required or permitted to be prescribed, or which are necessary or convenient to be prescribed, for securing the good government of the Defence Force, or for carrying out or giving effect to this Act, and in particular prescribing matters providing for and in relation to:
(j) The formation, incorporation and management of:
(i) full-bore or small-bore rifle clubs;
(ii) full-bore or small-bore rifle associations;
(iii) a national body for the control and administration of full-bore rifle shooting; and
(iv) a national body for the control and administration of small-bore rifle shooting; and
(k) The empowering of clubs, associations or national bodies referred to in paragraph
(j) to make, alter and repeal rules, not inconsistent with this Act, for the conduct of their affairs and for the conduct of any rifle competitions promoted by them; and
(ka) The establishment, management, operation and control of canteens on rifle ranges or on the premises of rifle clubs, including the possession, supply, sale, purchase and consumption of intoxicating liquor at any such range or club;
Not the normal Targets at our club but I can understand why the target shooters in Ukraine might like it.
Public areas of defence land
(1) The Minister may, by notice published in the Gazette , declare an area specified in the notice to be a public area and assign a name to that area.
(2) In subsection (1), area means an area of land that is owned or held under lease by the Commonwealth and used, or intended for use, for the purposes of defence.
(2) Male persons over the age of 16 years who are Australian citizens and
are financial members of a rifle club who have taken and subscribed the oath
or affirmation prescribed by regulation 19 shall be active members of a rifle
(3) A member of the Defence Force is eligible to be an active member of a
rifle club.
I swear that I will well and truly serve Our Sovereign Lord the King as a member of the Reserve Forces of the Commonwealth of Australia, and that I will resist His Majesty’s enemies and cause His Majesty’s peace to be kept and maintained and that I will in all matters appertaining to my service faithfully discharge my duty according to law. So help me God.
As a member of the Defence Force after taking the Oath, like all other members of the Australia Defence Force, I could defend our country and myself with a Service Rifle of the Day, train with it, and take it home, keep it well serviced and ready for use. Every Saturday, or if called out by the Club Captain.
When do we get back to it?
I was a little surprised when in 1967 on arriving in Australia and joining the Rifle Club to be asked to take the Oath as I had already taken it a few times previously in my occupation as a Grenadier Guardsman in the British Army, but I did not mind taking it again. I received my card and it noted on the back that the Captain of the club was authorised to call us out for parade when needed. In those days small towns had a Rifle Range before they had a tennis court. We had competitions with the service Rifle of the day, they were inexpensive to buy, and the Defence Department supplied the Rifle Ranges and Ammunition and we maintained the ranges. It worked and those clubs had trained thousands of men that went to the First and Second World War, Korea, Malaya, Indonesia and Vietnam.
At least if we prepare, we won’t have to use cardboard cut outs for rifles.
In Ukraine the man with the Rifle has succeeded in removing a dozen Russian Generals from their country. If we had 5 million men & women training every week with service Rifles, shooting and competing with one another, that would be a deterrent to any potential invader. With some small encouragement instead of the 25 years of bastardisation, for little money, not Billions Australia could have a chance in defending itself. The Training with GPS and mobile phones might be a little different than the 1960s but the skills of putting a bullet where it belongs, reading the wind, judging the range, following firing orders, servicing there rifle and kit will be not just life saving but nation saving.
There is no Spring without Winter, without Mistakes there is no Learning. There is no Life without Death, without Doubts there is no Faith. There is no Peace without War, without Fear there is no Courage. For without Mistakes, Doubts and Fears there are no pathways to Wisdom.
Ron Owen
This Newsletter is published by Owen Guns 24 McMahon Road, Gympie Ph: 07 5482 5070.