A Muzzleloader Is Not
Considered A Firearm In America.
Modern muzzleloaders are considered “antique firearms” as they are
replicas of pre-20th Century designs, with certain other limitations.
In fact, the Gun Control Act of 1968 defines an antique firearm in
Section 921(16) as any firearm manufactured before 1898, including those with a
matchlock, flintlock, percussion cap, or similar ignition system. Replicas of
such firearms are also considered antiques as long as the replica is not
“designed or redesigned to use rimfire or conventional centerfire fixed
But this is not the case in Australia, despite the fact that there
has never
ever been a mass shooting involving a single muzzle-loading gun in
history! Why has there never been a mass shooting using a muzzle-loading gun?
Simply because it is not possible; assuming the gun actually fires the first
time (& the shooter manages to hit someone!), by the time the shooter has
reloaded, everyone would have fled the area! Criminals & killers DO
NOT use these guns; they only ever use modern breech-loading guns!
Ignorance & gun paranoia is behind the poor drafting of gun
control legislation; both the general public & the government employees are
to blame for poor insensible pointless laws concerning muzzle-loading guns of
all types, & we, the muzzle-loader enthusiasts are the ones that are
disadvantaged! Please, do the research; educate yourselves before supporting
this law against the purchase & use of muzzle-loading pistols on private
property. This is NOT a weakening of firearms law; this is a correction of a
firearms law. PLEASE, sign this petition & give us a fair go.