Friday, March 13, 2015

Declaration Of Indigenous Rights. The Abbott Government Illegally Evicts Aboriginals From Their Land.

Prime Minister, living on your land is not a “lifestyle choice” it is a basic human right.
Article 10 of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples states:
Indigenous peoples shall not be forcibly removed from their lands or territories. No relocation shall take place without the free, prior and informed consent of the indigenous peoples concerned and after agreement on just and fair compensation and, where possible, with the option of return.
Article 8 highlights the dangers of removing people.
1. Indigenous peoples and individuals have the right not to be subjected to forced assimilation or destruction of their culture.
2. States shall provide effective mechanisms for prevention of, and redress for:
(a) Any action which has the aim or effect of depriving them of their integrity as distinct peoples, or of their cultural values or ethnic identities;
(b) Any action which has the aim or effect of dispossessing them of their lands, territories or resources;
(c) Any form of forced population transfer which has the aim or effect of violating or undermining any of their rights;
(d) Any form of forced assimilation or integration;
(e) Any form of propaganda designed to promote or incite
racial or ethnic discrimination directed against them.
When communities live on their country and are properly supported they thrive. At Children's Ground we are proving that children connected to their land have a deep sense of well-being, can have the best education and an economic future.

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